This site is a great site for drawing or creating designs or logo, it is free to join, and easy to get started. Anyone that can draw a line can design to image above, it might look complicated but it is very easy to do, the site does all the work for you, and the only thing you the drawer or designer have to do is know how to draw a line, and you logo will be something you never thought it would be. Myoats might look complicated and intimidating at first but once you get started, the rest is easy to use. Also if the site likes your design then the site owners will put it on the homepage so everyone can see it when they log on to this site. This site deals with line usage, just like drawing, so if you are starting out or are an advance drawing you can create images in a matter of minutes, but if you were to do that same image on paper it might take a couple of hours, the only thing you need on this site is a very creative and imaginative mind.
Thank you for sharing this site Mario! I am going to explore this as another way to teach my students design elements and logo creation.